HASHFAIR - An Effective Blockchain Game Requires a Strategy



The world of Web3 games has experienced its fair share of highs and lows, from being celebrated as the future of gaming to facing backlash from traditional game custodians. Amidst the contrasting headlines, companies have been doubling down on in-game NFT investments while others reconsider their Web3 strategies due to player uproar over high barriers to play-to-earn games. In this complex landscape, one thing is clear: everyone desires progress.

An Effective Blockchain Game Requires a Strategy

An effective blockchain game requires a strategy to launch and operate successfully. As competition in space heats up, simple in-game assets will no longer impress gamers — they are looking for more complex, richer worlds where the tokens they earn and the NFTs they collect are an integral part of the gameplay — they derive real-world value from their utility, not just from rarity and prestige.

Long-Term Thinking is Key

Long term thinking is key here. Strategize, plan how your in-game tokens will inform the player’s journey, and what value they will offer in-game, as this will underlie what value they hold in the real world. How do players use their hard-earned in-game tokens to progress further in the game, reinvesting them into fellow players and the in-game economy? With a bit of Web3 and blockchain expertise, you can then build your envisioned system using smart contracts, DAOs, and cryptocurrencies.

Embracing Web 3.0 in Online Gaming

In the face of these evolving dynamics, we are thrilled to announce HashFair, a groundbreaking Web 3.0 based online gaming platform. HashFair boldly addresses challenges with its unique decentralized dealer smart contract. This innovative approach guarantees a gaming environment where trust is an established premise, and fair play is the norm. Constructed on the sturdy architecture of blockchain and smart contracts, HashFair goes beyond providing secure and transparent transactions. It also equips gamers with the ability to participate in, validate, and shape the gaming ecosystem, fostering an interactive and inclusive environment.

Moving Beyond ‘Provably Fair’

HashFair marks a distinctive departure from the ‘provably fair’ concept that is prevalent in the online games space. While ‘provably fair’ systems do offer a certain degree of transparency, they still operate within a centralized model, entrusting a single entity with the responsibility of fair play. HashFair, on the other hand, leverages decentralization to its full potential, ensuring absolute transparency and autonomy through its blockchain-based framework and decentralized dealer smart contracts.

Harnessing the Power of Blockchain for True Fair Play

HashFair harnesses the power of blockchain to replace the traditional trusted third party with smart contracts. These autonomous agents automatically reward all key contributors, from game developers and referrers to operators of independent platforms essential for gaming discovery. Our advanced system can create a marketplace for permissionless decentralized games developers and foster a multitude of independent front-end platforms where players can discover and engage with games that are undisputedly fair and no one can raise a question on the integrity and randomness of these games.

Reinventing Fairness

The HashFair Advantage HashFair stands apart from the prevalent ‘provably fair’ concept in online gaming. While such systems offer some transparency, they remain centralized, relying on a single entity for fair play. HashFair skillfully integrates the best features of both these models while eliminating their shared drawback of centralization. The result is a gaming environment that is not just provably fair but also visibly fair.

HashFair addresses common pain points in traditional online gaming, such as delays in withdrawals and the risk of funds getting stuck due to centralized controls. By leveraging the power of DeFi and smart contracts, HashFair ensures a pool of locked liquidity, facilitating seamless, immediate, and immutable withdrawals. The decentralization of game outcomes and payments also significantly reduces the risk of funds being stuck or confiscated, thereby cultivating trust among gamers and fostering a more secure and robust gaming ecosystem.

Profitability and Value Appreciation

HashFair’s profitability also plays a significant role in enhancing the value of its native HF tokens. A unique deflationary mechanism is in place, whereby the profits generated from the gaming operations are used to buy back HF tokens from the open market. Once bought, these tokens are permanently removed from circulation or ‘burned.’ By reducing the total supply of HF tokens over time and maintaining or increasing the demand, this mechanism leads to an appreciation in the token’s value, benefiting all HF token holders.

Join the Gaming Revolution with HashFair

HashFair is not just pioneering the next evolution in online gaming but is also reinventing the standard of fairness and trust in the industry. With the world’s first decentralized dealer, it is building a gaming ecosystem that is both secure and engaging, harnessing the best elements of blockchain technology, DeFi, and smart contracts. This innovative model promises to propel the gaming ecosystem into the future, offering an experience that is transparent, autonomous, and immensely rewarding for its participants.


HashFair is leading the way in shaping the future of Web3 gaming by establishing trust, transparency, and fairness through its decentralized dealer smart contract. By leveraging the power of blockchain technology, DeFi, and smart contracts, HashFair is redefining the gaming experience, empowering players with true ownership and real-world value for their in-game assets. As a community-driven platform, HashFair invites gamers to actively participate in its governance through the DAO concept, ensuring collective decision-making and a thriving ecosystem. Embrace the gaming revolution with HashFair and experience a gaming world where fair play reigns supreme. Join us today, and together, let’s create a stronger, more inclusive, and prosperous future for online gaming.

#HashFairGames #HashFair #HFG #blockchain #cryptocurrency #technology #bitcoin #money #crypto #Binance #BNB #cryptocurrencies #fintech @Hashfair_Games

For More Info Please Must Follow:

WEBSITE: https://hashfair.io/

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/hashfair_games

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Hashfair_Games

WHITEPAPER: https://docs.hashfair.io/

MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@hashfairgames

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt_4P2eqk0Jsn5MNsWapqcA


Forum Username: dioalif88

Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3540902

BSC Wallet Address: 0xe9864650c22245d2f423aF773F0D44D6bd4848D7


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